When Should a Dental Filling Be Replaced?

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When Should a Dental Filling Be Replaced?

Composite Fillings Scottsdale, AZ

Knowing that a dental filling may need a replacement someday means that you should care for your filling. This type of restoration is strong, but some factors may weaken it. When this happens, you should go to your dentist for a replacement filling. If you want to know when your dental filling should have a replacement, here are the signs.

Feeling that it is gone

Ingesting the filling that pops out is always possible. This usually happens while eating. The tongue always lets the patient know that the filling is not there anymore. A hole or an indentation usually remains in the tooth. If the tongue feels a little crack, most of the dental filling is still there. Whichever happens, the patient should still see the dentist.

Something hard in the mouth after biting

Eating is a daily activity. If the patient bites into something and then feels a hard fragment after while chewing, then the filling has popped out. Meats, crackers, gummy candies, and taffy are the usual suspects. If the filling popped out, the patient should visit the dentist right away. This will prevent the cavity from worsening.

Dental pain comes back

After getting a dental filling, the tooth pain disappears. If the same dental pain is back suddenly, then the filling has fallen out. Fragments of the filling or the whole filling may have fallen out. A quick visit to the dentist will relieve the pain. The dentist will treat the tooth and replace the filling.

Food particles stuck in the tooth that supposedly had a dental filling

If the patient suddenly finds food particles in the treated tooth, then the filling is gone. Sometimes, this happens gradually. Small parts of the filling may start eroding until food particles start making their way inside the cavity. Whether it is sudden or slow, seeing the doctor can replace the filling right away.

Tooth or dental filling color changes

Sometimes, the filling stays in place, but the tooth changes color. This is a definite sign that the filling needs a replacement. If the dental filling turns more yellow, the filling needs replacement as well. A change in tooth color usually shows that the dental filling is failing.

Aging filling

A patient does not need to wait for the filling to fall out or chip off to get a replacement filling. The patient should go to the dentist if the filling has been in the patient’s tooth for a while already. Metal fillings may last for decades. Composite resin fillings may last for about five years.

Tooth sensitivity

If the patient suddenly feels sharp pain when eating or drinking something hot or cold, the dental filling needs a replacement. It may be mild pain at first. The tooth sensitivity worsens over time. The patient should see the dentist for a filling replacement before the shooting pain becomes too overwhelming.

Knowing when your dental filling needs a replacement can save you a world of pain

A dental filling should save your tooth and relieve your pain. It should prevent further damage from tooth decay. Knowing the mentioned signs of dental filling failure can help you get an immediate or early dental filling replacement. Checking with your dentist about an urgent dental filling appointment can help you prevent unnecessary pain and discomfort.

Are you considering getting a dental filling in the Scottsdale area? Get more information at https://www.mydentistinscottsdale.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Composite Fillings in Scottsdale, AZ.

Call (480) 951-2782 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.